Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today was my first day working with JA. Wednesday will be my last. He has been promoted to fill our Rocklin vacancy and is stepping in as I'm stepping out. I'm hoping the whole shakeup isn't too much of a shock for our regulars but change is inevitable and sudden. I saw the new store this morning and it looks ready to me. L was putting away some final items and doing cleanup. She even got locked out of the office but like a true ninja found a way through the ceiling tiles. In Rocklin business was slow but I enjoyed chatting with the new queso grande. Afterward I took a drive to the Applebee's on Arden Way. It was where we were to have a birthday party for Jake who just turned eleven. The wait was two hours and we just couldn't do it. We met the kids at the local Round Table Pizza at Howe and Arden. The dining was okay but I was just too damned tired to do enjoy the food. My niece and nephew had a good time though and that's what it's all about. Tomorrow morning I'm stopping by the new store to drop off one more box of junk and then it's off to Rocklin for my last Sunday there. It will also be my last shift with BB. I will miss her off the wall laugh, and her mother is my favorite customer. Parting with friends is no fun, but it's all for the better. As Monday draws nearer I find it difficult to think of anything else. The only other thing that gets more attention right now is the uninvited wisdom tooth that has decided to erupt in the left side of my jaw.

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