Saturday, June 25, 2011


I finally got some new shoes for work after wearing the same worn out dogs for over two years. They were literally falling apart with the heels worn down to tiny nubbins. I had no tread left whatsoever and I think having bad foot wear for so long has contributed to my hip pain. These new shoes are classier and lighter on the knees as well as being my actual true foot size. The only problem was that I had to put back the new belt which is what I had originally gone in there for in the first place. It's all good though since I have another job coming up this Wednesday which should afford me a new belt and updated vaccinations for Phoebe. Take a look at these gunboats. Now you know what they say about a man's foot size in relation to his girth. I can't say I've compared myself side by side to anyone, but I've had  no complaints if you know what I mean. Wink, wink, say no more...

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