Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Taco Nite

Okay, we have at last eaten our anticipated tacos, and now we are about to fall asleep on the couches. The Family Guy is hilarious tonight. Brian just had his comedy show hijacked by the network, and now he knows how hard it is to not sell out when you have no control of your art in the first place.
On the lighter side, a shot of Jaegermeister sounds pretty good right now, wouldn't you agree?
I don't have to work until ten-thirty tomorrow, so I'm feeling entitled.

Monday, May 30, 2011


I have just been informed that tonight is not Taco Nite. I repeat—tonight is not Taco Night. I regret any inconvenience this may have caused me.

Taco Night

Tonight is Taco Nite at the Thomas residence and it is time to start browning some beef. I wish I had something better to offer you t0 read about but this has been a slow news day. I’ll get back with some juicier tidbits later.


It looks like Jason may be considering renting out a room in our house. We are hopeful that he will. Even if only for a short time, it will be a tremendous relief to our current finances. This would help buy some time until I can land that second income, or even a better full time job somewhere else.

Memorial Day Morning

Today is Memorial Day and we slept in very well this morning. It is a rare occasion for Erika and I to have the same day off together. We are also coming off of a rather uneventful 12th anniversary non-celebration, but the roast that Erika made was delicious with a stir -fry twist.
Today we may be visiting with the kids, but that is up in the air for now. Eggs and cheese are in the foreseeable future.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here Comes the Rain Again

So it is the 28th of May, yet we are all practically freezing, and the wind is blowing hard and cold. Not the weather that is typical of a Memorial Day Weekend. This is already turning out to be an odd summer. I heard somewhere that this is another 'El Nino' year. I recall the last one in the nineties was quite damp and everyone was miserable for it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

First post from the laptop

Just got the new laptop today. Lynn made this the best birthday ever. This might very well be the best birthday gift I have ever received. Too bad you only turn 40 once, and some people not at all. This keyboard is awesome. Perhaps my typing skills will improve now that I will be practicing much more. Blog the day away. That's what I shall be doing from now on.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Let Us Eat Cheesecake

It is now time for more cheesecake. I have thought about it in depth and I am certain that at this critical hour a slice of cheesecake is in order. Do not try to stop me as my decision has been made. I am seldom mistaken about these things.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

40th Birthday Party

The party last night was fun and therapeutic. I have't had that much to drink in a very long time; yet I was sharp as a tack today. The food was delicious and the leftovers are plentiful.
Tonight it's all about chocolate decadence.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Netbook

Wow! Erika's new netbook arrived today and I am currently blogging away with it. I can't wait till I get my laptop for my birthday. This is going to free up my tasks in so many ways. Here I am, happily blogging.